Last week I came back home from my Mexico ministry trip. I had a great time with my friend with my friend Luis, who is a pastor over there in Oaxaca. He has been pastoring a church in Oaxaca for eight years now.
It was my first time visiting Oaxaca, and first time meeting Luis’s wife. When I arrived I experienced some spiritual warfare. My luggage did not arrive with me on my plane. It was stuck in Dallas, Texas, and somehow did not make it on my transfer flight. It was a bit stressful because much of my electric violin gear was in that suitcase, and I would not be able to play my electric violin with the full sound that I wanted if the suitcase did not arrive in time.
Luis and I talked to the airline agent, and learned that the luggage won’t arrive in Oaxaca until the next day, because American Airlines only have one flight per day from Dallas to Oaxaca. I sensed that the enemy did this because he did not want me to play worship violin to release my sound in Oaxaca.
Praise and worship changes the spiritual atmosphere, and I believed that part of my kingdom assignment in coming to Oaxaca was to change the spiritual atmosphere of the city through my violin worship. What was wrong with the spiritual climate of Oaxaca? As it turned out I had came just in time for the start of the “Day of the Dead” festival week. I thought Day of the Dead was just one day, but I was wrong. It is a weeklong celebration in Oaxaca.
Day of the Dead is where people worship their dead ancestors. This event has also been commercialized and expanded to include wild parties and other dark activities. Needless to say, it is an idolatrous event with rampant sin and perversion. According to the Word, we do not fight against flesh and blood but against the powers and principalities in the heavenly places (Eph 6:12). This is why worship is so effective. Worship enthrones Jesus and dethrones the powers of darkness over a region.
Praise God I received my luggage in time the following day! Luis and I and another brother went back to the airport to pick up my suitcase. Thank God it was not lost! That very evening I was able to use my electric violin gear from the suitcase to lead worship in a local church service, and release the sound of worship. Praise the Lord!
That was the beginning of four straight days of me ministering on the electric violin. I also preached twice. God is good! I want to thank Luis for giving me the opportunity to release the sound of heaven and the Word of God to the people. I believe that the evil principalities over the region were shaken and diminished by the worship that resounded clearly and loudly.
Jesus is Lord over Oaxaca! Jesus is Lord over Mexico!